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St Ives Brewery - Craft Beers Commission

Last October I was excited to be asked if I'd design some prints for the St Ives Brewery's Craft Beer cans. I felt it was a great honour and it made me feel like I must be accepted as a proper St Ives artist despite being a Northerner.

Firstly I went out to visit the locations and took photos.

I was a bit worried, as to me composition is the most important starting point and designing for a can with text in important places compromises the composition.

I made a tracing paper template so I could check the design layout with the text.


I usually work directly from my photograph and for these images I was going to have to use a lot of artistic licence and montage a few photos together to get the design to fit into the template. So a bit out of my comfort zone.

After agreeing on the designs I got stuck into cutting and printing.

Here's my finished 4 which are now for sale as original prints.

Look out for some of my artwork on Craft beer cans later this year 



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