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Portheras Cove

My inspiration, a photo I took one early evening mid July. I love the colours and the way the water is running down the beach away from you into the sea,  making all those crazy water patterns.

This is a reduction cut and a limited edition of 8. 

First thing I did was flip the photo so I could copy it onto the lino. The image reverses back onto the paper when printed so then it's the right way round.

This is my basic plan.

 Next I marked in white pencil what I wanted to cut out first. This is what will stay the white of the paper.

 The first colour printed, a pale yellow, not much to see so just a close up.

 2nd cut to the lino and a pale brown printed, you can see the white and the pale yellow from where the lino has been cut away.

 3rd cut and a pale blue colour printed, sorry not easy to see that it's blue here.

4th colour on the lino, my 2nd brown, and printed

 5th colour a 3rd slightly darker brown and the definition of the rocks appearing.

All the time I'm looking at my photograph and my print to work out which bits of the last colour I've printed I want to keep. Then I mark these bits with my white crayon and cut them out.

5th colour is more of a grey, sorry it's hard to see the colours, the ink on the lino on the left which looks really light is actually the mauve grey printed on the right.

the 6th layer is a darker brown, more detail and definition happening.

now I'm cutting more and more of the lino off as the colour to print gets darker and I want less of it. This is the point where you're saying goodbye to all your hard work. Detail you spent ages cutting is now coming off. I put a little video up on instagram to show what I mean you can see it here

Before I cut down to the next layer I printed what I had in black to see what it looked like. So below is just the 5th layer printed on it's own without the other layers printed underneath it. I think it makes a nice strong image in it's own right.

7th layer cut and  mostly you can see the rocks really finding their shapes and weight.

I printed two colour variations of this layer I printed 5 a dark mauvey brown, and 3 a very slightly more greeny brown. I'm afraid it's so subtle it's hard to see on here but in the edition 1,2 and 5 are in the greeny brown

last cut and this is all that's left to print


I never had a plan for the sky I was going to see how it looked as it went along and if I needed to do anything. As it turned out I'm really happy with the grainy print of the blue over the yellow so I'm leaving it as it is.

Woohoo and YEY here's my finished print

Another thing I'm going to mention is that I used two different types of paper, Zerkall and Somerset, both the same weight but the Zerkall is much whiter, this does effect the overall look of the print colours. 1,2,3 &4 of the edition are on the Zerkall. 

If you're interested in buying one please have a good look at the print and around the edges, I am not a perfect flat printer I love the variations and textures that happen during the process so they are all slightly different. 

I'm putting them up here 



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